International Fashion fairs have extended their branch-related scope. Fair COSMETICS had its premiere and in the first run of the project CLUTEX the Cluster of Technical Materials presented itself for the first time. Eight exhibition halls were occupied and both the number of exhibitors and foreign firms slightly increased. Most foreign exhibitors came from Poland, Slovakia and also Germany was markedly represented.
Accompanying program lasted by Thursday evening and was of a new international character. Brno show hosted the semi-finals and finals of the 9th prestigious International Competition of Young Designers PODIUM attended by 130 young designers from 34 universities, 38 towns and eight countries of three continents.
More than 150 designers from eleven countries presented their works within four show days, which is in Czech history a unique concentration of fashion designers. New collections were presented by over fifty firms.
 Moosbacher In spite of difficult situation in textile and clothing industry leading branch-related firms were not missing at the fair (OP Prostějov, Makyta, Steilmann and others). Due to increased interest of exhibitors in the sector of measured and home textiles Hall D was opened again.
Hall F which houses exhibitors of footwear and leatherware was as usual sold out. KABO has retained its high standard of the recent years and should be moved to a larger hall in the future.
Visitors could make acquainted with the trends for the season autumn – winter 2007 – 2008 on exhibitors’ stands, at fashion shows and also in lectures of foreign professionals. Trends in ladies’ and men’s ready-made clothes were presented by Mrs. Ellen Haeser from the Dutch Studio Commandeur, whilst trends in footwear and leatherware were dealt with by the Italian designer Robert Ricci, member of the trend commission of the LINEAPELLE Fair. Independent trend stands were installed in Halls D and V.
 Tamaris Specialist standard of the accompanying program involving the International Seminar Experience and novelties in fashion industry was enhanced; it was attended by leading experts from four countries. Some more seminars dealt with the preparation of new footwear numbering and possibilities of textile retail trade.
The ceremonial opening was again connected with a presentation of prestigious prizes of the periodical TextilŽurnál “Golden Hanger”. In 2006 they were presented to the companies HK, SPORTSWEAR, Písek and TONAK Nový Jičín.
The fairs also involved designer competitions TOP STYL DESIGNER and Green Design. The winner of the first of them was the Slovak designer Mária Štraneková in a competition of eight finalists from three countries.
In the Top Model Competition for the best exhibit of the KABO Show three main awards were granted – for design, quality and creativeness. They went to the companies Konsorcium T+M, Fare and BIBO shoe. For the first time also the Prize of Jan Pivečko was granted to the firm PEGRES – Ing. Petr Gřeš.
 Bibo Shoe The shows were attended by a number of prominent personalities, among others, by chairman of the Czech Parliament (PSP) Miloslav Vlček, PSP vice-chairman Mrs. Miroslava Němcová, Supreme State Representative Renáta Vesecká, Lord Mayor of the City of Brno Roman Onderka or president of the Association of Automotive Industry and chairman of the Supervisory Council of Škoda Auto a.s. Vratislav Kulhánek. Preliminary statistical figures - Participating exhibitors and represented companies: 516/STYL + COSMETICS, 169/KABO
- Number of countries: 26
- Total exhibition space in m2: 13304 / STYL + COSMETICS, 3921 / KABO
- Paying visitors: 17800 (rough estimate)
- Accredited journalists: 264
Within the first two days altogether 1489 foreign visitors from 27 countries (15 % of the total number) were registered at the ticket offices. They came in particular from Slovakia, Russia, Poland and Hungary. 50.9 % of the visitors were interested in fashion trends. The proportion of professionals attained 68 % during the first two days and 84.9 % of the respondents want to come again in August.
At the Press Center 264 media representatives were accredited during the fairs, among them 29 from abroad. Foreign journalists came from six countries, i.e. Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia.
The 30th International Fashion Fairs STYL, KABO will be staged from August 21 – 23, 2007.
The 31st International Fashion Fairs STYL, KABO and the 2nd COSMETICS Show will take place in February 2008.
The above information is preliminary only. The definitive final report will be published by BVV Trade Fairs Brno after all statistical data have been audited. Statistical data given are based on the principles laid down by UFI (Union des Foires Internationales) Paris. What was said about the fairs:
 V + J Obuv Mrs. Renáta Vesecká, Supreme State Representative:
The shows are typical for Brno, they should be further developed in Brno and the city should unambiguously be the metropolis of fairs in the Czech Republic. And as far as fashion shows are concerned, I appreciate that they always bring something new. Josef Novák, ATOK president, VEBA a.s. CEO:
I am pleased that the project CLUTEX initiated by ATOK was successfully launched. As a cluster member I welcome that CLUTEX now belongs to the community of the firms aimed at technical textiles. This sector represents only a small part of our production. We make in particular home textiles and are here for the first time so that we have been inspired and established contacts.  Armillei Petr Kubát, president of the Czech Association of Shoemakers and Tanners, D.P.K secretary, Zlín:
On behalf of our firm I can say that we had fewer customers than last time, i.e. in August 2006. In spite of it, we are satisfied with our new contacts and also lots of colleagues and people from our branch to whom I talked and who concluded unexpected contracts. At KABO not only products are sold, but also and in particular new contacts with both consumers and component suppliers established. Also in this way the show came up to our expectations.
Mrs. Anna Motlíková, director of Steilmann Prague:
One of the advantages of the show is to compare one’s products with the competition. Then a direct contact is very important – with visitor, client, fair administration and of course with media. The show offers an opportunity to explain to journalists what is going on in our branch. As far as the evening fashion show is concerned, I appreciated the choreographer Mrs. Lenka Vinická as to present nine firms during an evening on the stage is an art. However, we have new ideas and feel to have to think about something new for the new season.  Numero Uno David Burian, Sales Manager, Pleas a.s.:
A year ago we had 50 m2 , last August 75 m2 and now 100 m2 , but still it is not enough! Our stand was always crowded with people and no seat was vacant. This year we differentiated from our competitors and staged our fashion shows directly on the stand, customers were enthusiastic and the shows were in the limelight. Contracts concluded will be evaluated after the show, however, the interest in our goods was enormous.
Lubomír Fiedler, owner of the company Rialto:
We are satisfied with the show. Not only our regular customers came to our stand, but also a number of new ones, which is important. We presented fashion for pregnant women, which was a success. The fashion was presented at our fashion shows and we concluded a lot of contracts directly on the stand.  Avenida Europa Mrs. Elena Badmaeva, Russian designer:
The collection I presented on the occasion of show opening in Brno was first seen here. In Russia it will have its premiere on 15 March. I do not regret it as I cooperated here with a strong group of stylists, cosmeticians, organizers. Fair organization is of a high standard and very similar to other European fairs, e.g. in Milan or Paris.
Ms. Mária Štraneková, holder of the title TOP STYL DESIGNER, February 2007:
The Brno fairs are for me a great chance and confirm that the fashion does not lose its mission. I have acquired all my awards abroad so far and Brno enabled me to present my collection so-to-say at home, although Czechia is also a foreign country, however, I feel like home here.
Ms. Zdenka Svobodová, cosmetic consultant, Oriflame:
I very like the new show COSMETICS, it is of a good standard. It seems to me that also visitors are satisfied and greatly interested in show activities. I like stand designs and also appreciate the care of exhibitors devoted to their customers. I think that the start was good, however, we want to think about a new attractive idea for the next year. Foto Vlastimil Kolarik & TextilZurnal (20/2/2007) |