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"German Bag Designer" project begins at GDS/GLS

Individual signatures, creative designs, highest quality—this is what the German bag labels that together started the "German Bag Designer" project stand for. Labels such as OWA, Sequenza, Gretchen – The Little Pearl and Nicole Pietag show bundled German trend expertise in the exclusivity area in hall 9 at GDS/GLS from 14 through 16 September 2007. The labels are using GDS/GLS to present themselves as a community to the international trade audience.

ImageThe "German Bag Designer" project is positioned as a trend event for German design in the leather goods segment with the goal of increasing public awareness of the participating companies. Visitors have the opportunity to intensely explore various design and style approaches in a forum. "What we like about the 'German Bag Designer' project is that we are working together with the other participants, allowing us all to advance. There is no rivalry here. On the contrary: competition is good for business," explains Nicole Pietag, designer for the label of the same name.

The participants agree that a trend reversal regarding fashion design is in progress in Germany. "Young German designers are creative. But they should present their ideas to the broad public with even more courage and willingness to take risks. With the 'German Bag Designer' project we hope to show just how creative and cutting edge Germany is," states Bernd Michael Ostwald, managing director of Owa Moden and initiator of the project. Germany is once again becoming a design land—a fact that still needs to establish itself in the minds of the masses. "There are many talented young German designers with strong potential who are just now coming on the scene. This makes us hope that the 'German Bag Designer' project with draw a great deal of attention," adds Sequenza designer Tina Karl.

Anne-Christin Hofmann, designer for Gretchen, is convinced that trends are again being created in Germany that are followed worldwide with great interest: "Several German labels have succeeded in building an international reputation with creative, timeless designs, highest quality and especially through reliability and customer service. Often, however, they are underrepresented on their home market. The association of German Bag Designers will assist Gretchen in expanding its presence on its home market after its international success."


The "German Bag Designers" see their trade fair appearance as an important opportunity to network and establish international contacts. "Germany is a very interesting market in the heart of Europe—a market with peculiarities, but also with great potential. The 'German Bag Designer' forum offers an ideal platform for presenting ourselves on this market. One decisive factor is that many trade visitors at GDS/GLS are budget-strong European decisionmakers and key-account managers who, accordingly, also order briskly," according to Michael Georg Schmitt, managing director of Gretchen.

"Through our participation we hope to lastingly strengthen the market presence of our label, Sequenza. We meet with customers from the entire world in Düsseldorf, for example New Zealand and Japan. This shows how international GDS/GLS still is," says Sequenza designer Tina Karl.


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