The forthcoming edition of LE CUIR A PARIS will be held from 14 to 16 September in the hall 4 of Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition park.
Sixteen new companies coming from South Africa (Scot), China (Jiangsu Yanano Garments Co), Spain (American Supply Corp., Juan Poveda), USA (C.K. International), France (Eureka – Derayage Services, Mégisserie Colombier), Italy (Trendintex Srl) and Turkey (Arpel Deri, Cetinkaya, SF Trade, Toprak Kurk, Yilbay Deri) will enrich the autumn/winter 2011-2012 collection with their participation. An exhibition space called « Home Made » will highlight the « Hand Made / Home Made » concept. This space, designed by François Bernard, will present in 8 steps the newest R&D on colours, textures, surface treatments and sensorial aspects adapted to the use of leather in interior decoration and product design. Each step will be materialized with a luminous macro photo of leather together with real samples to be touched. Visitors are welcomed in the coziness of half-light and can see and feel the new innovation trails in terms of research and development. The Fur Department of Central Ostrobothna University (Finland) will present a project named « Fur & Furniture » showcasing the different uses of fur at home. New talents, French and foreign, will be put on the spotlight in the Designers’ Village of LE CUIR A PARIS: Martini & Coz (Australia), Mamix (France), Falbalas Création (France), Créanoy (France), Hande Fabbro (Turkey), and Magsant (Mexico). The Mexican designer Magnum Santillan studies the macro trends and consumption habits in order to create, among others, home deco objects that mix « folk » Mexican spirit and modern style. Finally, the CTC (the Leather Technical Centre in France) will complet this space with designers that have participated in their workshop program.  Magsant, Créanoy, Hande Fabbro
(11/5/2010) |