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The Birth of Expo Riva Shuh India

The first ever Expo Riva Schuh India will be held in New Delhi in India from 28 to 30 July 2011, with over 200 international and Indian exhibitors.This new event, showcasing footwear and accessories in leather, will target a market with great growth potential, in a sector where the consolidated experience of Riva del Garda is a synonym of success. Expo Riva Schuh is in fact the most important appointment for volume footwear in Europe.

With more than one billion inhabitants - comments the president of Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, Roberto Pellegrini - 40 million of whom have a high income and a middle class of 300 million, the Indian footwear market is estimated at 4 billion dollars with an annual growth of 18%. Over the next four years a real boom in growth is expected”. Being part of it right from the start will allow us to create an international event that reflects the needs of the reference market, driving and consolidating current commercial potential”.

This first Expo Riva Schuh India aims to host around 200 international and Indian exhibitors with an innovative format. It is, in fact, the first fair in India to offer national and international buyers the finished product in all the merchandise categories. Not just footwear, but also accessories in leather, bags, suitcases, belts and gloves. It will also have an area dedicated to new market trends and new fashion collections, represented by several European brands.

All the figures for the Indian trade sector are on the increase: in 2008 the retail market grew by 12% and in 2009 by 12.4%, while organised distribution was up by 42.3% in 2009.

“These figures - highlights Roberto Pellegrini - must be considered against a wider economic panorama that tells of 6-8% growth in GDP and a middle-bracket population with increasing spending power. The ongoing transformation in the distribution sector, which is modernising in line with more industrial logics, is an excellent opportunity for all companies offering products with a good fashion content".

"What Expo Riva Schuh is preparing - says the director of Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, Giovanni Laezza - is therefore much more than just a trade fair. The added values will be workshops and business-to-business meetings with sector operators and service providers for retail trade. This will enable better understanding of the characteristics of the Indian market and its legislation details and better knowledge of the key players in Indian distribution. It will also be the perfect opportunity for learning about the Indian distribution system and potential commercial partners".

“Penetrating a market with such far-reaching potential is confirmation for the Expo Riva Schuh team of its professionalism and experience - comments Giovanni Laezza, director of Riva del Garda Fierecongressi - as well as an opportunity for demonstrating the excellence of Italian fairs”.

“The Indian trade sector, as highlighted by the above-mentioned figures, is enjoying excellent health”, stresses Brigitta Bancher, Expo Riva Schuh manager. “So much so that every year 50 new department stores are inaugurated. Penetrating the Indian market is therefore a big business opportunity.”

To underline the importance that Expo Riva Schuh India holds for the Indian market, the Indian ambassador H.E. Debabrata Saha will be a guest at Riva del Garda from 16 to 18 January.

For the entire duration of the event there will be an Expo Riva Schuh India Info desk in the entrance Hall at the trade fair district, providing further information about this initiative.


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