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Texprocess 2013:
Imagethe international high-tech fair for the apparel and textile industry
Very good echo: over 70 percent of exhibition space already booked and all market leaders on board

International market leaders will present their cutting-edge technologies and high-tech solutions for greater sustainability, ...

...  energy efficiency and automation at Texprocess, Leading International Trade Fair for Processing Textile and Flexible Materials, in Frankfurt am Main, which opens its doors for the second time from 10 to 13 June 2013. The echo is very good: over 70 percent of exhibition space has already been booked and new exhibitors from all parts of the textile-processing chain have signed up.

Texprocess is held concurrently with Techtextil, International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens, from 11 to 13 June 2013. Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt, explains, “The second edition of Texprocess continues with the success achieved by the première. The unique concept of holding the fair parallel to Techtextil, its innovative character and the ‘Source it’ procurement platform are exactly in line with the needs of the market.”


‘Source it’ procurement platform: top service for the fashion industry

The extensive spectrum of product segments at Texprocess ranges from preparation, design and pattern making, via sewing, embroidery, knitting and joining, to finishing, logistics and IT. Together with Techtextil, the result is an assortment that covers large sections of the textile value chain. The combination of Texprocess and Techtextil takes account of the fact that textiles are being used and, therefore, processed in more and more new fields.

International manufacturers take advantage of Texprocess to present their cutting-edge technologies. To date, registrations have been received from numerous companies including Amann, Assyst, Brother, Coats, Dürkopp Adler, Expert Systemtechnik, Ferd. Schmetz, FK Group, Gerber Technologies, Gütermann, Human Solutions, Hornung Indupress, Kaiser Lutra Textilmaschinen, Kansai, KSL, Lectra, Juki, Macpi, Madeira, Martin Group, Morgan Tecnica, Sunstar, topcut-bullmer, Veit, Vibemac, X’ian Typical and ZSK.


The conceptual partner of Texprocess is VDMA Garment and Leather Technology. Director General Elgar Straub says, “At Texprocess, the industry presents its entire innovative expertise. Against the background of rising production costs, increasing expectations in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency and reaction times, the level of investment in future-oriented technologies is set to climb. Hence, the exhibitors have great hopes of Texprocess 2013, which will generate important impulses for the turnaround in the production of apparel and technical textiles.”

One of the highlights at Texprocess is IT solutions. In Hall 4.0, exhibitors present a comprehensive range of applications that not only support both production and the trade but also optimise and accelerate processes. Also in focus are 3-D simulations, which are used across the board, from design and cutting to marketing. The meeting place for software producers and users is the IT market place, ‘IT@Texprocess, Successful Software Solutions for the Fashion Industry’.


‘Source it’ at Texprocess is a top service for the apparel industry. The integration of a procurement platform into a technological fair is unique and offers additional benefits for fashion labels and contract manufacturers. At the sourcing area in the middle of Hall 5.0, national pavilions and production companies demonstrate their expertise and offer insights into the conditions for contract manufacturing in their countries. Taking part are leading sourcing countries from all over the world. Additionally, a contact exchange at the sourcing area gives decision makers from manufacturing companies and the apparel industry the chance to make new business relationships. A contact tool during the run-up to the fair is the i-tex - apparel sourcing system, a business platform that goes online well before the doors open. Discussing the significance of ‘Source it’, Detlef Braun says, “With this service, we offer the fashion industry great additional value. Besides the latest technologies, buyers at the fair also have the chance to gather information about suitable contractors.”

The range of products and services to be seen at Texprocess is rounded off by an extensive complementary programme, which includes the Texprocess Innovation Award, Texprocess Forum lecture programme and the Texprocess Campus promotional programme for young people. 326 exhibitors from 40 countries and around 17,000 trade visitors from 86 countries (including Techtextil visitors) attended the last Texprocess in 2011.


Texprocess 2013 will be held concurrently with Techtextil, International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens, from 11 to 13 June 2013. Together, around 1,200 exhibitors from 50 countries and around 25,000 visitors from 96 countries form the world’s foremost marketing and sourcing platform for users and manufacturers of technical textiles and nonwovens. These products are distinguished by an almost unlimited range of applications including construction (Buildtech), sport and outdoor apparel (Sporttech, Clothtech), industrial textiles (Indutech), medical textiles (Medtech), automobiles and aerospace (Mobiltech) and packaging technology (Packtech). The fair is flanked by symposia, competitions and innovation awards, which generate important added value for both visitors and exhibitors.


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