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TheMICAM Shanghai consolidates the International footwear fair in China
ImageThe second edition of theMICAMshanghai - the Chinese edition of theMICAM, the world's  most important professional high-end footwear exhibition - ended yesterday at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre, where 260 exhibitors from around the world were welcomed in 5,000 square meters of exhibition spaces and high quality fittings. The number of visitors, who were increasingly skilled and focused on business, was in line with last year.

Among the major buyers at the fair were resellers, distributors, department stores and shopping centres from all over China, Hong Kong and South Korea.

"We are very pleased with the outcome of the second edition of theMICAMshanghai, for the quality of the selected buyers, the internationality of the exhibitors and the level of the outfitting," said Cleto Sagripanti, President of Assocalzaturifici. “We have decided to focus on China as a market for growth. This is a challenge that requires great patience and entrepreneurial dynamism. theMICAMshanghai was created to facilitate businesses that could hardly venture out on their own in such a big and different market, something that it will continue to do in the future. This edition has confirmed the importance of the fair as the B2B event of reference for international footwear in Italy."

The Chief Executive Officer of Fiera Milano, Enrico Pazzali, was also very satisfied: "The second edition of theMICAMshanghai," he said, "rewards the increasingly close-knit collaboration between Fiera Milano, Assocalzaturifici and Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai, our Chinese company, each of which has worked hard to achieve a fair that expresses the best of Italian-made products and of the international shoe sector. In view of the interest and attention of international associations and exhibitors in the great opportunity represented by the Chinese market, and given the positive feedback of buyers, we are considering, in collaboration with our partners, the idea of exporting the theMICAM format to other key markets. In the meantime, we will continue to work to strengthen the standing of theMICAMshanghai."

This important achievement is the result of intense promotional activities and partnerships of exception. During the summer months an extensive media campaign was organized, and a road show that stopped in major Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Hong Kong. This was made possible through the support of ICE, the Italian Trade Promotion Agency, which, through its network of offices in China, selected and invited over 50 buyers and organized the promotional "EXPERIENCING EXCELLENCE" evening, attended by the media, fashionistas and trend setters, with the aim of further affirming the exclusivity of Italian products.

theMICAMshanghai also benefited from special visibility provided by an agreement signed by ANCI and Fiera Milano with Shanghai Fashion Week, one of the most important events that China dedicates to the fashion industry - of which theMICAMshanghai is the only footwear show to have become an official partner.

"We have worked hard to internationalise theMICAM," said Claudio Pasqualucci, Director of ICE Shanghai, "giving rise to a large B2B trade show in China – theMICAMshanghai - which brings the most prestigious Italian products and the best international collections directly to Chinese buyers. Compared to the first edition of April 2013, there has been a considerable growth in the number of operators from all over China who visited the fair in Shanghai. The figures confirm the interest in Italian footwear: during the first six months of 2013, exports of Italian shoes in China reached the threshold of 817,000 pairs, an increase of 15.1% over the same period of 2012, for a total turnover of €84.4 million (+22.8% compared to the first six months of 2012)."

"It is important to emphasize the importance of being part of a systemic initiative such as theMICAMshanghai," said Antonino Laspina, Director of ICE Beijing and coordinator of the Chinese area, "which reveals China has a growing market seeking the traditional high quality of Italian footwear brands and products. China is a target market for high-end products, as shown by the average price per pair: in the first half of 2013, it reached €106.80, an increase of 10% compared to the first six months of 2012."

theMICAMshanghai has confirmed its role as an international exhibition, with buyers from all over mainland China, Hong Kong and Korea, and 260 exhibitors from 14 countries, the contribution of which was crucial to set up an event with a global appeal for its thousands of visitors. International groups, accompanied and guided by important industry associations such as FICE, Apiccaps and Abicalçados, respectively representing the Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian footwear industries, are a considerable added value of theMICAMshanghai. Furthermore, an important step forward in the second edition of theMICAMshanghai was given by the participation of English and French exhibitors.

theMICAMshanghai is appreciated by international exhibitors as a highly flexible B2B platform that adapts to the needs of those manufacturers either broaching the Chinese market for the first time or already present in China but wanting to expand their distribution network. There are different forms of cooperation between foreign brands and Chinese operators: from agency and distribution agreements (regional or national), to the opening of flagship stores or more complex joint venture agreements.

"Identifying the right partner in China," concluded Cleto Sagripanti, President of Assocalzaturifici, "takes a good deal of patience and the right instruments. The mission of theMICAMshanghai is precisely to provide such instruments and real business opportunities to footwear entrepreneurs from around the world."

theMICAMshanghai will return to the Shanghai Exhibition Centre, with the Fall/Winter 2014/2015 collections, from Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 March 2014, which dates confirm the decision to bring forward the Assocalzaturifici exhibitions in order to meet market requirements and for the events to take place on strategic dates in the international calendar.

TheMICAM Shanghai

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