240 Italian companies at Obuv´ Mir Koži. A record number of participants will be taking part in Obuv´ Mir Koži, scheduled from 15 to 18 October in Moscow, which is preparing ro welcome 245 exhibitors (an increase compared to last year) in a larger space measuring 5 800 square meters, in the halls of Expocentr, the most important exhibition centre in Moscow. „In Moscow, and in general throughout the CIS area, we have made great strides,...
...we have made great strides, not only thanks to the constant commitment of the Association, but above all through manufacturingefforts of the participating companies, which so far have been amply rewarded,“ said Cleto Sagripanti, President of Assocalzaturifici. „The progressive increase in participating companies compared to previous editions is a clear signal, and is due to growing awareness that participating in Obuv´ mir Koži means obtaining greater visibility and therefore real business growth in a strategic market for the footwear industry.“ The Russian market is an economic and trade catchment area of great interest for Italian-made footwear. This is clearly demonstrated by the level of Italian exports to the country, as well as by the number of visitors to the show, which in recent years has always exceeded expectations. In the wake of a renewal that involves the Association globally, Assocalzaturifici continues its internationalisation activity with the intention of increasinly and more effectively penetrating strategic markets for Italian-made footwear, promoting the excellence of Italian products in key regions for the industry. 
Russia in one of these. Assocalzaturifici thus intends to strengthen its fair system and make business more competitive, focusing its efforts on Obuv´ Mir Koži, an event that, year after year, is earning ever greater importace and influence Gross the area. „The fair is a landmark event for the industry: a business oportunity to approach the operators of a market that is continuing to choose Italian products,“ said Ronny Bigioni, coordinator of the Assocalzaturifici Russia Lab. „We are satisfied with the result achieved so far and very optimistic for the coming edition of Obuv´ Mir Koži, which will feature the best of Italian production. Our country is managing to keep its head above water despote the crisis that has long been affecting our markets, offering products that always meet industry expectations.“ As always, a number of other initiatives are planned in collaboration with ICE, the Italian Trade Promotion Agency, such as an Italian food hall at the fair and invitations for buyer delegations from across the Russian-speaking area. Furthermore, a marketing campaign will be created to support Italian-made footwear on the main satelite channels of the Russian fashion system, while the local press office i salso continuing its activities enabling Italian companies to gain visibility on the area´s leading market. The next appointment organised by Assocalzaturifici in Russia are Moda Italia & Shoes from Italy Almaty, in Kazakhstan, to be held from 29 to 31 October at the Royal Tulip Hotel, and Shoes From Italy Kiev, Ukraine, schedulded for 3 and 4 November at the new headquarters of the Olimpiyskiy National Sports Complex. This extraordinary presence in the area – one enjoying continuous growth, proving to be far more dynamic than the traditional European markets – shows positive sign sof growth for Italian footwear. (07/11/2013) |