Obuv’ Mir Koži, the most important trade show for high and medium-high end footwear organised in Russia, will be back from the 18th to the 21st of March at Expocentr, the Moscow exhibition centre, albeit in a context made more complex by the difficult socio-political and economic situation in the area, due to the crisis in the Ukraine and the devaluation of the rouble.
"After theMICAM in Milan, Obuv’ Mir Koži is an essential event for promoting Italian-made products in key regions and in the most promising markets for the footwear industry," says Cleto Sagripanti, President of Assocalzaturifici. "This is a great business opportunity for Italian companies, also in view of the positive economic data relating to exports in the region." Despite the political crisis of the last few days, Russia is still managing to register encouraging results for footwear companies, which are continuing to take a gamble on Obuv’ Mir Koži: the 220 businesses taking part are leading international concerns that have decided to take this opportunity to present their latest collections designed specifically for the CIS markets (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries). The event, therefore, offers a vital opportunity to take stock of the Russian market, which has also suffered the backlash of the cancellation of the April "Shoes From Italy" in Kiev due to the country's political instability and lack of safety. "For Italian companies, the cancellation of an event forming part of the promotional programme developed with the ITA (Italian Trade Agency) - an event that has become consolidated among local buyers - is certainly a considerable problem, and will result in a sharp slowdown in the consolidation of our business," says Ronny Bigioni, coordinator of Assocalzaturifici's Russian Laboratory. "This is why Assocalzaturifici has decided to support companies in this moment of particular difficulty with an incoming activity dedicated to buyers from the Ukraine at the "Shoes From Italy" in Almaty, Kazakhstan, scheduled from the 2nd to the 4th of April. In this way, the Italian companies that will not be able to meet industry professionals in Kiev will still have an important opportunity to meet with selected Ukrainian buyers and thus maintain strategic relations with the country." The event, taking place at the Dom Priemov conference centre in the centre of Almaty, the economic capital of Kazakhstan, is the only exhibition in the country and in the whole Central Asian region devoted to Italian-made footwear and leather accessories. Once again, the event is organised in partnership with the ITA (Italian Trade Agency).  "While we wait for the Almaty show to begin, the real test will be provided by Obuv’ Mir Koži," says Assocalzaturifici President Cleto Sagripanti. "The event offers an ideal opportunity to make up for the drop in Russian turnout at the recent theMICAM, due both to the crisis in the Ukraine and to the devaluation of the rouble compared to the euro, which will inevitably have an impact on trade. The event, therefore, offers a vital opportunity to take stock of the entire Russian market and to monitor a crucial area for Italian footwear exports." During the first 11 months of 2013, Italy exported more than 7.8 million pairs of shoes to Russia: 9.3% more than in the same period in 2012. Equally significant is the value generated by exports, equal to 615 million euro: 9.2% more than in the first nine months of 2012. Another significant factor is the fact that leather footwear has enjoyed a higher than average increase in volume (12.2%) and a slightly lower increase in value (8.5%). Concerns about the situation in Russia are confirmed by the trend for October-November 2013, which sees a 7.6% fall in exports to Russia in volume terms (contrasted by a +1.4% in value terms) compared to the same period last year. Obuv’ Mir Koži is organised by Assocalzaturifici in collaboration with Bologna Fiere: at the last edition, the event registered 8,000 industry professionals, not only from the Russian Federation but also from the neighbouring Belarus and Ukraine and from the Central Asian republics. This level of attendance guarantees high visibility and proves this exhibition to be the most important appointment for the footwear fashion industry on the Russian market. Furthermore, this year's earlier autumn edition, to be held from 30 September to 2 October, will allow the show to meet the market's needs in terms of sales timings. 220 Italian companies will be exhibiting their 2014-2015 autumn / winter collections in a total exhibition area of over 5,300 square meters. In line with recent editions, the event has once more seen a record sell out, despite the aggregation of the distribution and retail network and the recent progressive selection of brands thought to be of particular interest to the Russian market. As usual, events, secondary initiatives and supporting activities have been scheduled in partnership with the ITA (Italian Trade Agency), such as setting up an Italian food court at the show, sending invitations to buyers throughout Russia and organising a road-show to promote the event that will tour the main towns in the Russian Federation starting in June. Upcoming Assocalzaturifici events promoting Italian footwear around the world March 18-21 – Obuv’ Mir Koži Expocentr – Moscow – Russia March 23-25 – Fashion Made In Italy MOC – Munich Order centre - Munich – Germany 24-26 March 2014 - theMICAMshanghai Shanghai Exhibition Centre - China April 2-4 –Shoes From Italy Almaty Dom Priemov – Almaty – Kazakhstan 23-26 April – Collective of Italian companies at AYMOD CNR Expo Centre - Istanbul - Turkey May 5-7 – Collective of companies in Johannesburg and Cape Town July (to be confirmed) – Shoes From Italy Tokyo Hotel Westin – Tokyo – Japan July (to be confirmed) – Shoes From Italy Seoul Hotel Lotte – Seoul – South Korea August (to be confirmed) – FN Platform Las Vegas Convention centre – Las Vegas – U.S. Milan, 14 March 2014 (16/03/2014) |