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ImageThe 82nd edition of Expo Riva Schuh closes, with 10,806 visitors, reflecting exactly the same result as the June 2013 edition. Companies and buyers expressed their satisfaction for the quality of business and the high number of contacts developed: two positive signs that prove that the Riva del Garda event is in good shape.

Once again, the international aspect played an important role in the success of Expo Riva Schuh: the American and Russian buyers who came to have a look around the stands in Riva, thanks to the collaboration with ITA – the Italian Trade Agency, found the experience positive.

“Here at Expo Riva Schuh we have come across an incredible assortment of footwear – explain the members of the US delegation – and it was very interesting for us to see such a wide array of the entire world production. The American market at this time seems to be less of a trend-setter than it was some time ago, and it has been really useful for us to have the chance to see which way the market is heading and what the fashions will be next season. The other thing is that the timing of the event is perfect, giving us time to organise orders for the season, and this too is a fundamental aspect for us.”

“Changes to the market at international level have brought about consequences for the Russian area too – commented the Russian buyers. These days it’s vital for us to find products that represent good value, and here at Expo Riva Schuh we have met a lot of companies that are able to meet our demands. In fact, we have signed a number of orders and we are counting on continuing with this excellent work in the future.”

On the exhibitors’ front, Expo Riva Schuh also saw the return of the Indonesian delegation as well as an increase in Indian participation, with the group organised by CLE, the Indian Council for Leather Export, reaching a quota of 77 companies, compared to 65 in January 2014 The growing interest of the Indian companies in the Riva del Garda event shows how effective direct initiatives with the Indian market have been. Both the strengthening of relations with the key bodies and associations of the country and also the organisation of events ‘in situ’ have pushed this forward.

"The signs that we have noted are, without doubt, positive, and enable us to look forward to the challenges that await us in the near future with optimism - explains the President of Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, Roberto Pellegrini. The companies have expressed their satisfaction for the quality of business and for the high level of buyers present in the fair: it is the proof that our work in contacting and selecting interlocutors is working well and that today we are able to offer companies a guaranteed business opportunity. This element, together with the early timing, make our event an essential appointment for operators in the international footwear market to get together.”

Expo Riva Schuh is the first event in the fair calendar and has always been the perfect chance to get a preview of the fashions for future seasons: the Spring/Summer 2015 collections comprise Summery ankle boots for women, whereas for men we see the classic lace-up model with a touch of colour. For kiddies, there is plenty of sparke, leaving the way clear for shiny, silvery, glittery shoes.

Great signs for the present: eyes focused on the future: the next dates Expo Riva Schuh are from January 10th to 13th 2015.

Riva del Garda



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