MODACALZADO is the largest trade fair in Spain for the footwear industry and one ofthe three most important events in Europe within this field. With twenty editions behind it, this fair has enjoyed considerable success based on an exhibition model that presentsthe rich diversity of footwear companies. Throughout these years, MODACALZADO has also been able to cater for the demands of Spanish industry, which has operated on a world-widestage for a number of decades, as well as those of the most important foreign companieswithin the sector.
SIPIEL, which takes place twice a year, was founded by Feria de Madrid, IFEMA, a trade fair institutionthat organizes more than 60 fairs a year within various fields.
SIPIEL has undergone a number of different stages over the last ten years: · The fair was founded back in 1996. This culminated an intense process of negotiationwithin the footwear industry, which is headed by the Spanish Footwear Industries Federation (FICE). For a number of years the federation had sought to create a single, established trade fair to presentthe wide range of products and services of its members. At its first edition the fair brought togethersome 295 direct exhibitors to present their collections for the Autumn-Winter 96/97 season. The fair welcomed some 13,552 professionals. The second edition of MODACALZADO took place between 4th and 6th October and featured theparticipation of some 348 exhibitors, distributed throughout three halls. In addition to the companiesaimed at the highest segment of the market, located in the Star Mark section, the fair brought togetherthe most important brands from various footwear manufacturing centres, presenting the Spring-Summer97 collections in Women's Footwear, Men's Footwear, Children's Footwear, Sports Footwear, LeisureFootwear, Industrial Footwear and others. Among the participating companies, we might highlight thefollowing names: Lottusse, Stephane Kelian, Patricia, Robert Clergerie, Barrats, Martinelli, Looky andSuperga. The fair was visited by 14,500 professionals, 4% of whom travelled to the event from abroad. At its third edition MODACALZADO brought togethersome 417 exhibitors within a net exhibition area measuring15,500 square metres. In both cases these figures surpassedthe initial predictions, presenting increases of 19% and12 %, respectively. At this edition the fair enhanced itsinternational stature and created higher levels of intereston the part of visitors, in spite of the fact that the dateswere out of synch with the international calendar. The fourth edition of MODACALZADO was staged tocoincide with the thirty-second edition of the InternationalLeather Goods Trade Fair. This event, which was consideredto be a leading fair for the industry, attracted some 19,200professionals, a 19% increase on the previous year, ofwhich 2,200 visitors travelled to the fair from 64 differentcountries. MODACALZADO brought together 407 companiesand IBERPIEL MARROQUINERIA some 77 exhibitors, whopresented their manufactured leather goods and thoseof related industries. MODACALZADO featured the participation of 73 foreign companies, attending the eventfrom Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Italy and Portugal. A contemporary art exhibition was also staged, bringingtogether 32 works produced by 25 Spanish artists ofrenown, such as Lucio Munoz, etc., based on the themeof the wooden shoe-tree.
The fifth edition of MODACALZADO was organised within the framework of the first edition of LEATHER WEEK, between 27th and 29th March 1998. Some 500 exhibitors took part in the fair, within an exhibition area measuring 19,626 square metres, whilst the visitorfigure came to around 19,400, of whom 2,109 travelled to the fair from abroad. Sonia Rykiel, Armando Pollini and Martínez Valero joined MODACALZADO. The fair presented a fully establishedstructure. Foreign participation consisted of 64 exhibitors from Belgium, France, Holland, Italy, Portugal and Taiwan. The second edition of LEATHER WEEK, made up of the fairs MODACALZADO and IBERPIELMARROQUINERIA, welcomed some 19,520 professionals, 3.8% more than at the previous editionin March. The number of foreign visitors came to 11% of the total, which represented an increaseof 6%. These professionals travelled to the event from the European Union, the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, India, Israel, Japan and Korea, among others. The third edition of LEATHER WEEK confirmed the strong development of the event since itsinception, as well as that of the two fairs it encompasses: MODACALZADO and IBERPIELMARROQUINERIA. A record number of exhibitors was achieved, coming to 556 companies in total. MODACALZADO brought together 475, 10% more than at the March edition of the previous year. · The fourth edition of LEATHER WEEK concluded with an increase of 11% in terms of its number of visitors, based on a total of 21,077 professionals. The number of professionals fromabroad also increased by 10.5%. MODACALZADO, with 493 exhibitors, presented a number ofcompanies of considerable international prestige, such as Donna Karan, Calvin Klein and Castaner. The fifth edition of LEATHER WEEK was the most comprehensive edition up until that time. 592 participating companies presented their collections for Autumn/Winter 2000/01, occupying anet exhibition area of more than 23,500 square metres. MODACALZADO brought together some 505exhibitors. This event presented the first edition of the Fashion Showcase, featuring models created by the Spanish Fashion Forum based on the ideas for the new season. LEATHER WEEK once againincreased its number of visitors, this time featuring a 5.77% increase compared to March 1999. AnAmerican Buyers Programme was also carried out, in collaboration with the Spanish Trade Office inNew York. The number of foreign professionals rose to 2,331, attending the fair from 67 countries.
LEATHER WEEK finally surpassed the figure of600 exhibitors with a record 619 companies takingpart in a net exhibition area measuring 24,734 squaremetres. MODACALZADO featured the participationof 527 exhibitors and maintained its habitual structure, based on the following sections: Footwear-Producing Regions - Toledo, La Rioja, Alicante, Castellón andAragón; Children's Footwear; Star Mark, Youth Fashion, Sports Footwear, Country Boots and Trade Equipment. At this edition, an original static presentation of the collections was made to the press on the day before the fair opened. LEATHER WEEK acquired international status for its seventh edition, presenting the highestrates of participation in its history, with 634 companies, 7% more than in March the previous year. The event was visited by more than 21,400 professionals, 3.6% more than at the previous edition. The number of foreign visitors increased by 14.74 %, testifying to the growing importance of INTERNATIONAL LEATHER WEEK on the foreign markets. MODACALZADO brought together some530 companies in an exhibition area measuring more than 21,560 net square metres. The eighth edition of INTERNATIONAL LEATHER WEEK approached the figure of 700 exhibitors(690 companies to be exact), presenting an edition in which the exhibition area was reorganizedin order to help buyers locate the sectors of interest to them. A new area, Hall 10 at the Feria deMadrid fairground, was added to the fair. MODACALZADO presented some 579 exhibitors, includingGeox, Tous & Tous, Fluxá, etc. The ninth edition of INTERNATIONAL LEATHER WEEK increased its exhibition area by 18% and itsnumber of exhibitors by 4%. Among the participating companies at MODACALZADO we might highlightnames such as Pons Quintana, Hush Puppies, Callaghan and Valentino. Foreign participation at theevent was considerable, featuring brands from Germany, Belgium, Brazil, China, the United States, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. A Trends Showcase was alsopresented, which featured the participation of nearly 50 companies and almost 80 models of shoes. The tenth edition of INTERNATIONAL LEATHER WEEK featured a 25% increase in its number of foreign visitors, recording some 3,230 out of a total of 23,251 professionals. The fair brought together676 companies, of which 569 took part at MODACALZADO. A Buyers Programme was carried out incollaboration with the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute (ICEX), which attracted professionals to the fairfrom countries such as Germany, France, Great Britain, Russia, Japan, China, the United States and Mexico. · The spring 2003 edition of INTERNATIONAL LEATHER WEEK was the best up until that time, achieving a figure of over seven hundred exhibitors. The exact figure was 710, 7.5 % more thanthe number brought together in March the previous year. MODACALZADO attracted some 595companies. The number of professionals attending the event came to 22,458, a 23.9% increase. In September 2003 the fair once again presented new increases with a total of 737 companies, 9.25% more than the previous year. Furthermore, the number of visitors, estimated at 24,984 intotal, increased by 11.24%, consolidating the status of INTERNATIONAL LEATHER WEEK as one ofthe leading European events for the industry. Foreign professionals travelled to the fair from 72different countries, including Australia, the United States, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, the United ArabEmirates, etc. MODACALZADO brought together some 612 companies. This event was the mostcomprehensive and most international of all the editions staged up until that time. The activitiesprogramme known as "Madrid Lives Fashion", organised by IFEMA, provided the framework for thestaging of an exhibition in Madrid entitled "The Shoe: 50 Centuries of History on Our Feet". A total of 771 companies participated at the thirteenth edition of INTERNATIONAL LEATHERWEEK, which once again recorded an increase in the number of foreign professionals, who now accountedfor 15% of the total visitor figure, which came to 20,000. The presence of international companiesrepresented almost 27% of the total number of participants. MODACALZADO expanded by nearly 8%, bringing together some 639 companies. Among these participants we might highlight names such asSara Navarro, Charles Jourdan, Lottusse, Salvador Sapena and Paco Herrero, among others. The fourteenth edition of SIPIEL attracted 824 companies, a 9.7% increase compared to theprevious edition, featuring a net exhibition area measuring 37,531 square metres. By this time, INTERNATIONAL LEATHER WEEK had grown by 67% in terms of its number of international exhibitorsand by nearly 45% in terms of exhibition space. MODACALZADO brought together 695 companies. At its fifteenth edition, INTERNATIONAL LEATHER WEEK confirmed its status as one of themost important international footwear and leather goods fairs in Europe. The event welcomed some21,498 buyers, a 7% increased compared to the previous year. At the same time, the inter-annualincrease in foreign visitors came to 12%. MODACALZADO featured the participation of 693 companies. The sixteenth edition of SIPIEL once again recorded an increase in its number of foreignvisitors. Out of the 21,821 visitors recorded as a whole, 18% were foreign, which representeda 4% increase compared to the previous edition. The fair brought together some 822 footwearand leather goods manufacturers within a net exhibition area measuring more than 37,200square metres. Among these participants, 221 attended the fair from abroad, travelling from19 different countries. MODACALZADO presented a participation figure of 683 exhibitors.